Archangel Raphael & Saint Marina
Coptic Orthodox Church
To present and discuss a proposal to rezone 1160 Blair Road
To present and discuss a proposal to rezone 1160 Blair Road

1160 Blair Road - Banquet Hall. Entrance is on the south side of the building.
Wednesday, August 16th 2023. Doors open at 9:30 a.m., presentation at 10:00 a.m., discussion to follow.
Doors closed at 12:00 p.m.
The Open House and Public Consultation meeting is being held to receive community feedback prior to submitting a Zoning By-Law Amendment application. Submit your feedback via:
1 – attending the open house in person
2 - attending the open house virtually:
Participate by Telephone: 1 647 374 4685 or 1 647 558 0588
Webinar ID: 829 4520 0233
3 – Fill out and submit the online comment form (below)
4 – Email city staff
The zoning application is to increase the maximum permitted floor area of a place of worship and to add a daycare as an acceptable use within the property.
The planned property renovation will create a recreational gymnasium, a conference/banquet hall and additional office space.